Blogmas Day 5: Thoughts on Taylor Swift’s “Midnights”

On the evening of October 20, I was in a convention center hall behind a table working the penultimate college fair of my travel season. As I talked to eager parents and indifferent teenagers about college and what my institution could offer them, the constant thought kept echoing in my mind: “How on earth am I supposed to concentrate on anything right now, knowing that Taylor Swift will release a new album in just a few short hours?” But alas, I trudged through the conversations and made it to the end of the fair. The hall began to clear out. Tables started to get packed up. Suitcases opening, closing, zipping up, and rolling out of the convention center, mine included. 7:30pm. My hotel was just fifteen minutes away. Once at my hotel, I showered, laid out my clothes for the next morning, and packed the remainder of my belongings so that my exit from the hotel the next morning would be a seamless one. I checked the time: 8:55pm – just five minutes away from the most anticipated album of the year. I grabbed my noise-cancelling headphones, turned off the lights, and got into bed. I impatiently scrolled through TikToks to pass the remaining handful of minutes until – 9:00pm: I eagerly opened Spotify to find “Midnights” waiting for me at the top of Taylor’s Spotify profile. I pressed play and began to listen.

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Blogmas Day 4: How Wow Pow Chow (11/27-12/03)

A little background for any new readers and a reminder for old readers: I had a series of week retrospectives on this blog, an idea that was inspired by a Bible study ice breaker back from my campus ministry days. In these posts, I go over how I felt God was working in my life that week (How), a high from the week (Wow), a low (Pow), and a food item that I had from the week that I felt would be noteworthy. And so here begins the resurrection of yet another series on this blog.

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Blogmas Day 3: 30 by 30, Revisited

Back in 2016, at the ripe young age of twenty-three, I comprised a list of thirty things I wanted to accomplish by my thirtieth birthday (a blog post that can be found here). Since then, I’ve made it a point not to hold myself to any kind of timeline, especially since I am almost never in control of certain things. It’s been so long since I initially put that “30 by 30” list together, that I actually forgot about it until I was scrolling through the archives of this blog recently. Like I said, I don’t really try to hold myself to any kind of timeline, but having just turned twenty-nine a few months ago, I thought it would be fun to revisit that list, and see all the things that I actually did end up doing, all the things that I now have less than a year to accomplish, and all the things I naively thought I could actually accomplish. Here we go.

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Blogmas Day 1: It’s me, hi.

It’s me, hi. I’ve clearly abandoned this blog for quite some time, my last post being in January 2020 – yikes. That’s not to say that I haven’t tried to come back to this – I truly did. I’ve had a post sitting in my drafts for the better part of two years, but every time I sat down to try and finish and post it, I just couldn’t bring myself to. Why? Mostly writer’s block. But there were also those gnawing thoughts of “is anyone going to care” and “do I really want to share this.” Well I’m sitting down this evening, once again trying my hand at this thing that was a big part of my life for almost six years. Truthfully, I don’t know if I’ll keep up with this and post as regularly as I used to. But I can damn sure try. So here’s an attempt at resurrecting two things: this blog as a whole, and my Blogmas series in which I will attempt to write everyday in December until Christmas. Here we go.

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